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Faith Tabernacle

"..all the trees of the field shall clap their hands..." (Isaiah 55:12)

Welcome to our place on the web! 

We hope you enjoy your visit.  We are located at 1606 Electric in Lincoln Park, Michigan.

If you are in our area, we invite you to visit us.

Pastor David Grubbs will give you a warm welcome and make you feel "at home"!


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To leave a message, click on "Guestbook."

Please note: To play videos, do NOT click on the top or center.  Click on the lower left corner in the black border (replay).  Otherwise, you will also go to You Tube and activate other videos, not ours.

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Many changes are taking place at our church.  As you will see below, Pastor Jerry has retired and Pastor David was voted as pastor August 8, 2022.

To have a name that better represents us, the name has been changed to

"Every Generation Church"

We are having church on Sunday morning at 11:00 AM and Wednesday Bible Study at 6 PM.

We are on Facebook with videos, keeping in touch with each other, praying for each other,

assembling on Sunday and Wednesday and waiting for the return of our Lord. 

We hope you will be able to attend on:

Sunday morning service and Wednesday night Bible Study.

Hope to see you soon!

Don't forget to sign our Guestbook here before you leave!

To access the new website, click here: Link  


As you visit here, you will run into three different "Pastors."  The reason is that Pastor Jerry P Grubbs retired on June 30, 2022.  

On August 7, 2022 Rev. David W. Grubbs was elected as new pastor.  We are preserving all of their ministries at Faith Tabernacle.

Pastor Jerry P Grubbs is the son of founding Pastor Paul Grubbs, so that makes the current pastor, David W. Grubbs, the grandson of founding pastor.

We want to acknowledge and honor all three of our church's pastors, past and present.

We have another website of previous years (Pre-2016), but due the "death" of the software which is no longer available for use, we are unable to update or edit it.  It is still available for viewing.  If you would like to visit previous years, you can go there by clicking on the "Link" below where the Home page will open.

Previous Years Website:  Link


Rev. David W. Grubbs was elected as pastor August 8, 2022

He is eager to meet all of his members and friends, so come out and meet our new pastor.

(David is the son of previous pastor, Jerry & Lorinda Grubbs)



Pastor Jerry and Sister Lorinda retired June 30, 2022

Brother & Sister Grubbs are still attending Faith Tabernacle.  Come and wish them Happy Retirement.



About Us

Faith Tabernacle's Beginning

(This story appeared in the church magazine The Gospel Herald, June issue, 2004)


Rev. Paul and Vergel Grubbs, Founding Pastor

On May 29, 1954, the first service was held at 2411 Junction Street in Detroit, Michigan.  This was the start of the Faith Tabernacle CGMA.  Rev. Paul Grubbs had been the pastor at Black Diamond, Tennessee; Valley Creek, Tennessee and Akron, Ohio.  He drove from Detroit to Akron when he was the pastor there.

 In 1954 Pastor Grubbs felt that God wanted him to start a church in Detroit.  Along with his wife, Vergel, and five children (Ina, Gloria, Mary, Jerry and Levenda), he took a leap of faith and rented a storefront on Junction Street.  He also had the help of Rev. Mark Prewitt and his family working on the building and in the services.

In 1957 God sent a great revival to the church.  Rev. Robert Manis was the evangelist.  Many souls were saved.  Among them were Fred Cornelius, James E. Prewitt, Carl Prewitt and Jerry Grubbs, all of whom became pastors and leaders in the CGMA.

In August, 1959 the church purchased a bank building at 6061 W Vernor in Detroit.  There was much work to be done to renovate the building, but the faithful members began working to turn this building into a beautiful place to worship.  When the building was completed, the worship services began, and God poured His blessings out on the congregation.

In 1987 Pastor Grubbs along with other members of the church felt that they should make a move to Lincoln Park since the majority of the members lived in this area.  Rev. Jerry Grubbs spotted a rental hall that was for sale; the building was purchased and once again the renovation began.  The volunteer carpenters, painters and other workers made this building into another beautiful place to worship. 

The City of Lincoln Park presented the church with a Renovation Award at the church's 35-year celebration. 

In 1992 Pastor Paul Grubbs retired and his son, Rev. Jerry Grubbs, was elected Pastor.

On May 28, 1995 the Lord called Pastor Paul Grubbs home.  He is still greatly missed by all those who knew him, but we thank God that the church is still going strong under the leadership of Pastor Jerry.  He is an anointed preacher who preaches the truth without holding back.  Souls are still being saved, broken hearts are being mended and the sick are being healed.  Praise God He is still blessing the church!

In 1994 an addition was added to the church which gave the church a combination of fellowship hall and Sunday school rooms.  Later a baptismal pool was installed and most recently a sound booth has been built and more remodeling has been done inside the building.  God has given us both spiritual and material blessings.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people of the past and present for their contribution to the Faith Tabernacle CGMA--the teachers, leaders in all areas, prayer warriors and the door keepers.  Without your faithfulness to the work of the Lord there would not be a church.  God bless all of you.

(Below) Tribute by David Grubbs to his grandfather, Rev. Paul Grubbs




50-Year Celebration

The 50-year celebration began on Wednesday night with pictures being shown on a large screen in the sanctuary.  These included pictures of the past and present.  Pastor Scott Isham was the special speaker for this night and the next.  Pastor Scott brought two inspiring and encouraging messages.  We appreciate him and his congregation for being a part of our celebration.

On Saturday night and Sunday morning, our District Overseer, Rev. Fred Cornelius, brought the messages.  Once again the glory of the Lord came down and blessed the services and Brother Cornelius preached under such a great anointing.

Sister Mary Cornelius shared some early memories she had on Junction Street in Detroit.  Sister Mary is the daughter of Rev. Paul Grubbs.

Then those member who have served the church for 50 years were honored.  Those members are Linda Ferrell, Ina Mosher, Pastor Jerry Grubs, Vergel Grubbs, Gloria Wright and Phyllis Ferrell (pictured below).



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