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Faith Tabernacle

"..all the trees of the field shall clap their hands..." (Isaiah 55:12)


"All the Children of the World!"


Youth Service Reconvenes

Our regular Wednesday night Youth Service reconvened July 18, 2018 after a short time of suspension.  Kids were excited to be back and responded by inviting their friends the next Wednesday.

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Youth Remember the First Thanksgiving

Nathan Jacobs, Opening Prayer


Below:  Nathan - Emily Jacobs talking about first Thanksgiving, Eli Scott reading Scripture about 10 lepers healed by Jesus - in picture

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Karen Jacobs, "All I Want to Do Is Worship"


Stoddard Children singing "I'm In the Lord's Army



Displaying objects from lesson about Why We Use these Objects as Christmas Decorations

Jesus Birthday Party


After a devotional before going to the fellowship hall for activities,

Nathan Jacobs (their grandson) presented Pastor Jerry and Sister Lorinda with gifts from the Youth.



Sister Lorinda baked a "Happy Birthday Jesus" Cake



The game's objective was:  See how many candy canes you can catch with the hook and hang them over the rim of the bowl.  We missed the picture, but the winner was a little primary age girl who simple picked them up from the bowl and hung them over the bowl and grinned to have won.  She was the highlight of that game.



                A trip around the room.                                                       Pastor Jerry & Sister Lorinda show how it's done.




  Fall Festival  

<span style=">Fall Festival was a great success.  The kids had a lesson and then were released in the fellowship hall for a night of fun and treats.  These pictures are a sampling of the activities.  The evening with free hotdogs, drinks, and desserts.  Then they gathered for a lesson, sitting in a circle around Sister Lorinda.  Afterward they were on their own to play games and buy treats and treasures with the tickets they received in the bag they were given to keep their collection to take home.

Below pictures include Pastor Jerry and Sister Lorinda in the kitchen, group of workers sitting around a table and workers behind the counter.  Games stations were along the walls, some are shown including the "fish pond" with a blue background.  Kids threw their "hook" over the "pond" in front.




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