2019 Youth Activities 2019
Sister Lorinda Grubbs, Youth Teacher, invites you to Wednesday evening youth services.
We begin our activities at 6 PM with a time of devotions in the sanctuary.
Afterward, we dismiss to the fellowship hall for a snack,
crafts and Bible games to win tokens to spend in the "store."
Groups can be found playing at other game tables and activities while some are at the Bible games.
The last activity is spending tokens earned at the store.
A large table of bins contains a variety of items to "buy."
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Activities appear in chronological order (top to bottom)
Devotional Time
Youth Celebrated Pastor Jerry's January Birthday with a "cookie cake."
Valentine's Day Themed Activity
The evening for youth service was very cold and snowy, but a few of our youth faced the elements and came out. After the lesson and the heart activity, they all headed for the fellowship hall for special Valentine treats, games and a trip to the "store."
After Sister Lorinda had a lesson on "What Surrounds You?" and emphasized that most importantly they were surrounded by God's Love, she had the youth play a game. She outlined a heart on two red poster boards with double-faced tape. At the back of the sanctuary, on opposite sides, were two bowls of cotton balls and 2 spoons. Youth were divided into two teams with the task of picking up a cotton ball from the bowl with the spoon, race to the front and place it on the tape, pass the spoon to a team member who did the same thing. The team goal to be the winner was to try to complete their heart outline first.
Later, each person signed their name inside the heart, indicating that each of them was surrounded by God's Love. This would protect them as they stayed safely inside His loving presence.
Below are the completed hearts and the participants.
Opening Prayer at Youth Service
After their teacher, Lorinda, gave a lesson on Lazarus and his resurrection from the dead by Jesus,
she let them play a game to demonstrate how they buried their dead at that time.
The objects of the lesson then broke free of their grave clothes.
Fall Festival
Below pictures include Pastor Jerry and Sister Lorinda in the kitchen, group of workers sitting around a table and workers behind the counter. Games stations were along the walls, some are shown including the "fish pond" with a blue background. Kids threw their "hook" over the "pond" in front.
Fall Festival was a great success. The kids had a lesson and then were released in the fellowship hall for a night of fun and treats. These pictures are a sampling of the activities. The evening began with free hot dogs, drinks, and desserts. Then they gathered for a lesson, sitting in a circle around Sister Lorinda. Afterward they were on their own to play games and buy treats and treasures with the tickets they received in the bag they were given to keep their collection to take home.
Soon it will be time for --
Have a blessed Holiday
As we share our Thanksgiving around the family table, we give thanks for all our blessings and share our love and appreciation for family and friends. Kids are special at this time of year and vulnerable. Our hearts go out to children who are not blessed to have parents with them for many reasons beyond their control. It's a special thing for the youth workers at Faith Tabernacle to be able to interact and show love to all our youth and try to help them to feel that they truly are special to us and most expecially to their Heavenly Father.
With Thanksgiving a memory, attention turns to the most popular and special holiday--Christmas! Younger kids began making wish lists to leave for Santa and older ones are hinting for electronic devices and the newest apparatus to grab their attention. We are so blessed to have neighborhood children and youth to minister to and fill in the Real Reason for this holiday--the birth of our Savior.
(Below) The youth preparing Christmas cards for a young military man
Thanks to helper Nicole Webb! (Upper left)
Christmas Party for the Youth
Games and food table
After A Lesson on "The Candy Cane,-- J for Jesus" with Sister Lorinda, kids had snacks and played games.
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